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    Philippa's Photography, Incurable Hippie

    incurable hippie's musings and rants
    This is a Flickr badge showing public photos and videos from incurable_hippie. Make your own badge here.

    Wednesday 20 August 2008

    My latest photography and image manipulations

    My photography sets

    My blog

    My photography blog

    The PIPS - it's a radio four blog

    Well, after a bit more work I have now aggregated the feeds for the above blogs using feed.informer so the RSS feed to the left has them combined as well as individually.

    Tuesday 19 August 2008

    My latest photography and image manipulations

    My photography sets

    My blog

    My photography blog

    The PIPS - it's a radio four blog

    I have added feeds on the left of this page to the latest posts on my incurable hippie blog and my photography blog, and a cool widget of some of my flickr photos.

    I want to work out how to have a feed that combines the incurable hippie blog feed and the photography blog feed but I haven't worked that out yet.